Hibiscus Connect

We understand the unique challenges and rewards that come with the providing and receiving therapy. Our platform is more than just a connection hub between counsellors and clients; it's a dedicated space crafted to empower therapist on their journey to excellence. We're here to make that journey as seamless as possible for Counsellors and Clients

What Sets Us Apart?

Professional Development Hub

Access a wealth of resources curated to enhance your therapeutic skills and stay updated on the latest research nd methodologies

Seamless Practice Management

Say goodbye to ministrative hassles. Our platform streamline scheduling, note-taking, and Client communication, allowing you to focus more on what you do best- caring for your clients.

Personalized Client Matching

Our algorithm ensures that you are connected with clients whose needs align with your expertise, creating meaningful and effective therapeutic relationship

Supportive Community

Join a community of like-minded therapists who understand the intricacies of your profession. Share insights, seek advise, and be part of a network that supportive your growth


Who We Are?

Founded by team of passionate mental health advocates and seasoned therapists, Therapists Connect is designed with your needs at the forefront. We recognize the vital role therapists play in transforming lives, and we're here to provide the tools and support you need to thrives in your practice

Our Missions?

Our mission is simple yet profound; to foster a community were therapist can connect, grow, and excel. We believe that a thriving therapist contributes to a healthier society, and we are committed to being your partner in professional success.

What inspired the creation of Hibiscus Connect?

Hibiscus Connect was born out of a deep-seated passion for revolutionizing mental health support. Our founder, Aksheyaa Akilan, envisioned a platform that not only connects therapists seamlessly but also prioritizes their unique needs. The aim is to bring efficiency, warmth, and a growth-oriented mindset to the world of digital mental health.

How does Hibiscus Connect stand out from other mental health platforms?

Hibiscus Connect distinguishes itself by being a digital mental health platform created by therapists for therapists. Unlike many platforms, we understand the intricate challenges therapists face outside client sessions. Our platform addresses these challenges head-on, significantly reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and providing personalized, efficient solutions for private practices.

What benefits can therapists and clients expect from using Hibiscus Connect?

For therapists, Hibiscus Connect streamlines private practice by offering tools for scheduling, payment management, and note compilation. This allows therapists to focus more on client care. For clients, the platform provides an easy-to-use interface to find and connect with qualified therapists, ensuring a personalized and efficient therapeutic experience.

How can therapists and clients get started with Hibiscus Connect?

Getting started with Hibiscus Connect is simple! Therapists can register on our platform, create their profiles, and explore the various features designed to enhance their practice. Clients can easily navigate the platform to find therapists that align with their needs and preferences. The registration process is user-friendly, ensuring a seamless onboarding experience for both therapists and clients.